Swagger UI

What is Swagger UI

Swagger UI is an open-source tool that allows you to visualize and interact with APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) defined using the OpenAPI Specification (formerly known as Swagger Specification). The OpenAPI Specification is a standardized format for describing and documenting APIs, including endpoints, request/response data formats, authentication methods, and more.


OpenAPI document

In order to generate a swagger UI for our API, we first need an OpenAPI document. Luckily this is very easy to do with ts-rest.

npm install @ts-rest/open-api

Now we can use generateOpenApi function provided by this ts-rest library to generate an OpenAPI document for our contract.

import { generateOpenApi } from '@ts-rest/open-api';
const ApiContract = contract.router({ 
	posts : PostContract,
	user : UserContract
const openApiDocument = generateOpenApi(Contracts.ApiContract, {
  info: {
    title: 'API',
    version: '1.0.0',

Note that we have combined both of our contracts into a single contract. This is similar to how we can nest routers in express.


Generating the Swagger UI

For this series, since we are using express, we will use the swagger-ui-express library to generate and serve our UI using our server.

npm i swagger-ui-express

Now pass the generated openAPI document to swagger ui.

import * as swaggerUi from 'swagger-ui-express';
app.use('/api-docs', swaggerUi.serve, swaggerUi.setup(openApiDocument));
app.listen(...../*same as before*/

Now simply open your browser, and navigate to http://localhost:<port>/api-docs and see the UI for your api live. You can interact with it, and test it, all from the browser.



There’s a slight difference in opinion about the way the authorization header is handled in swagger ui, and the way that the ts-rest generates the OpenAPI document. For more information on the issue refer to this github issue.

To fix the issue, you can simply patch the OpenAPI document beforehand. Heres a simple function for the patch:

import { generateOpenApi } from '@ts-rest/open-api';
export function patchOpenAPIDocument(openApiDocument : ReturnType<typeof generateOpenApi>){
    openApiDocument.components = openApiDocument.components || {};
    openApiDocument.components.securitySchemes = openApiDocument.components.securitySchemes || {};
    openApiDocument.components.securitySchemes.auth = {
      type : 'apiKey',
      in : 'header',
      name : 'authorization' 
    openApiDocument.security = openApiDocument.security || [];
      auth : []
    Object.entries(openApiDocument.paths).map(([endpoint, methods]) => {
      Object.entries(methods).map(([method, implementation] : [method : any, implementation : any]) => {
        implementation.parameters = implementation.parameters.filter((obj : any) => !(obj.name === "authorization" && obj.in === "header"))